
时间:2021-04-03 09:13 来源:网络 编辑:游戏网 浏览:
火鸡三明治(turkey sandwich)是西餐中的一种食物,口味为香和微酸。
怎样做火鸡三明治 英语
How to make turkey sanwich.或者How do you make a turkey sandwich.三明治也可以是复数.做法如下. First put the butter on a slice of bread.Then cut up an onion and a tomato.Put these on the bread.Next put some lettuce and the chick...
Do you know how to make turkey sandwich? I will tell you about the process. First of all, you should prepare all the material you need, the knife, the trucky, the vegetables, two piece of breads and some tomato sauce. Then, was...
这儿有制作超级火鸡三明治的一种方法__ __ __
There's a way to 求采纳
1、你脖子上有包。(脖子上=脑袋) 2、陈美嘉常说的“我一口盐汽水喷死你”,盐汽水只能喷死单细胞动物,例如猪。
a turkey sandwich,那么两个火鸡三明治是Turkey变...
你好! sandwich变复数。Turkey在这里是定语,用来修饰sandwich的,类似的变复数的还有apple tree, boy friend等 如果对你有帮助,望采纳。
1、烤盘垫烤纸,把吐司片摆放整齐 2、把奶酪片平放在吐司上,黄色是普通的汉堡奶酪片,米色是Emmental、薄片 3、撒上少许胡椒粉 4、把火腿平放在奶酪上 5、盖上另一片吐司,在上面均匀的覆盖奶酪丝,淋上几滴橄榄油,通常法国人用黄油,但我偏爱...
英语作文 如何制作火鸡三明治
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Hello, everyone! I'm Zhao Mei. I like the turkey sandwiches very much. Do you want to know how to make the turkey sandwiches? Now let me tell you. First put mustard on two slices of bread. Then cut up one tomato. Put the tomato...
