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时间:2012-08-15 18:31来源:网络整理 作者:页游排行榜
阿玛拉王国的黑屏情况属于游戏本身的制作问题,跟玩家的显卡以及机器配置无关,官方已经给出了最新的解决黑屏的方法,大家可以参考。 If you're playing the Reckoning demo on the PC and are experiencing a black screen after the cinematics play, plea


If you're playing the Reckoning demo on the PC and are experiencing a black screen after the cinematics play, please try going into your graphic options menu in the demo and set "Post Processing" to off. We apologize for this issue; it has since been fixed in the final version of Reckoning". 

大致意思就是:打开选项->选择 graphic options menu-> 把 'Post Processing' 的选择去掉

标签: 王国 办法 解决 黑屏 阿玛